If mercury (or other heavy metals) could be the cause of your MS, then you should first do a chelation treatment to remove them
Treatment requires chelation(removes heavy metals from the body) that can penetrate the blood brain barrier;
Helpful book on chelation: "My Recovery Protocol" by Ken Presner.
Have dental amalgam removed by a QUALIFIED dentist - if this process is not done safely, it could kill you!
Go to a "biological"or "holistic"dentist (NOT a regular dentist) - they are trained to do two things: (1) Use a rubber dam to protect against swallowing mercury bits and (2) Use a vacuum tube to prevent inhalation of vaporized mercury (tube at least 3"diameter). placed on chest a few inches away from mouth, or even better, an "elephant trunk" tube hanging from ceiling; MS can actually be a result of improperly removed mercury amalgams;
ONLY After removing mercury- Use electromedicine to Kill bacteria inside myelin sheath
Electromedicine is the only way to kill bacteria that is not in the blood stream - there are several choices of electrical units you can use for a systemic DAILY treatment to kill microbes (all are sold as research units and legally can not mention their health benefits)
Note: If you still have mercury in your teeth, use daily chelation to continuously remove the mercury that may be entering your bloodstream.
Here are a couple of choices of electromedicine devices:
(1) Beck Protocol Units - these are very affordable units, which you can make yourself using Dr. Bob Beck's schematics or buy ready-made for ~$600; these work very effectively to remove ALL microbes from the body that are not inside cells. One drawback is that the low output frequency (~4Hz) of these devices causes cell membranes to become very permeable, allowing many substances (E.g. mercury) to be absorbed into cell (technically called "transfection", but Beck called it "electroporation"). This means that the treatment would also increase the effect of any drugs you are taking, and as such, you can not be taking any drugs concurrent with treatment . The transfection effect is less when using a device operating at a frequency of at least 10Hz (40 Hz is better if taking strong drugs), such as the "HIGH RF FREQUENCY GENERATOR" . However, using the 4Hz Beck Protocol unit, it may be possible to take some herbs or mild drugs, provided they are taken 2 hours before or 1 hour after daily electromedicine treatment session, to allow time for these substances to exit the body before the next day's treatment session.
(2)"HIGH RF FREQUENCY GENERATOR" - most frequencies utilized do NOT cause transfection(see above in Beck Protocol Units) and therefore do not increase effect of drugs beng taken
More information:
Cleanse liver - toxins may be responsible for MS and a poorly functioning liver will not be able to remove them from the body;
Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse (I won't lie - this is not fun!)
Coffee Enema -"Trash Truck"For Liver and Colon
AVOID Toxic fats
Eliminate / minimize sugar, particularly fructose,and also minimize/eliminate refined carbs
Sugar / fructose / glucose promotes the production of inflammation-causing AGES (Advanced Glycation Endproducts);
Cutting out processed foods and sweetened beverages - will go a long way to keeping fructose intake to a healthy level of< 25 grams / day;
Avoid refined carbs - since the body quickly turns them into glucose;
Too Much Sugar/HFCS and Other Refined carbohydrates
Eliminate milk and dairy - Studies demonstrate a correlation of cow's milk consumption with MS prevalence
Neuroepidemiology 1992;11:304-12, and Neuroepidemiology 1993;12:15-27;
Avoid MSG -which has been linked to neuronal pathway damage
Avoid aspartame, commercial fruit juices, bottled/cannned fruits and vegetables - Aspartame ( NutraSweet®, Equal®, etc.), typically found in sugar-free soda and foods, quickly metabolizes to methanol a potent neurotoxin. (Fresh fruit and veggies also contain methanol, but bound to pectin, and your body does not have the enzymes to break down this form. Unfortunately, the methanol in bottled/canned fruit or vegetables or their juice tends to dissociate from the pectin into free methanol, which you do absorb, and which is then converted into formaldehyde (yes, the same chemical they use to embalm dead bodies). Interestingly, ethanol (alcohol) is the antidote to methanol and could explain why moderate (one-a-day) "drinkers"often live longer than those who don't drink! Epidemiologic studies show moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction, dementia, lupus, and other diseases of civilization;
Check your iron levels - Excess iron can cause damage to the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels as well as create massive amounts of free radicals. It can also damage your DNA. Therefore, if you have MS it is very important to check your blood for iron overload, through a simple blood test called a serum ferritin test. The healthy range of serum ferritin is 20-80 ng/ml (ideally 40-60 ng/ml) ng/ml.Ferritin levels can even exceed 1,000, but anything over 80 is likely a problem. Donate your blood 1-3 times per year, even up to as many as once/month as tolerated, until your ferritin levels have been sufficiently lowered. Menstruating women would be unlikely to have excess iron, because they lose iron each month in blood lost during menstruation.
Avoid cured meats/nitrites(involved in MS) - nitrites are used to cure meat such as bacon, bologna, corned beef, sausages and hot dogs.